Update all your applications with AppFresh

April 7th, 2009

Apple / Mac, Miscellaneous

picture-12A common problem amongst both Windows and OS X users is that programs/applications are eventually updated but the user is left with the outdated software. Software updates bring about new features and security updates so missing out on them can be unpleasant. Windows users are left with many security holes regardless of whether their system and programs are updated or not so I’m not even going to worry about them. OS X users don’t have to worry so much about security holes being fixed as much as new features being added. If you’ve ever wondered if your applications are outdated then there is the perfect app for you.

The application, as recommend by Rahul and Dave Wolf, is called AppFresh. This app not only keeps your applications updatedpicture-22 but also all your widgets, preference panes, and application plugins. It checks osx.iusethis.com for the latest versions of software and then compares that number to your version. AppFresh even goes as far as checking Software Update for system updates and Microsoft Update to check for updates to programs like Word and Excel if you have them installed. And as an added bonus, you can select to download an update all from within the same one AppFresh window and it will download the file to whichever location you indicate in the preferences, all without ever opening a single browser window. The many features still don’t stop there as the program will then tell you a description of the update, when the update was released, and user’s comments on it.

The program is very stable even though its still in its Preview Release. If dailyblogged has an editors choice award, this would receive it. I highly recommend installing it and trying it out because you can never be too safe, even if you are on OS X.

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About Thomas

Thomas is a self-proclaimed guru (just ask him). He enjoys long walks on the beach, running Mac OS X on his Inspiron 1525, and tweeting about nonsensical life happenings. You can follow Thomas on twitter, email him, or search the interwebs for all his personal information. Neither should be too difficult.

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7 Responses to “Update all your applications with AppFresh”

  1. Thomas

    Because like I stated, app updates bring new features and higher stability.

  2. Richard

    I just leave “automatic updates” checked in my applications. Most major software applications and even some small ones check for updates on start-up. Why waste my disk space updating an application I haven’t started since last year?

  3. Thomas

    The app seems to be rock solid. It even gets down to the point of telling you a description of the update and comments on it. This program is much better than the one I suggested (oops). I’m going to remove AppUpdate all together and just have AppFresh as it is clearly better. Thanks so much!

  4. Thomas

    I think I’m going to try that out and if I find it to be worthy, I will include it in the post. I also edited your comment so the link is in the app name.

  5. Dave Wolf

    Yeah, I use AppFresh about once a month and I have to say, it’s invaluable. I like that it checks the system for not only every app you have installed, but also Apple’s updates. Yeah, a little redundant, but it’s nice to have all updates consolidated to one place should you forget to hit ‘Software Update’ for a bit. And, I like that it’s an application rather than a widget. Not knocking Thomas’ suggestion, but probably best to give both a try and figure out which one best fits “your world.” The app also downloads all the updates internal to itself, sticking them where you specify. From there, you only need to go to that location and start your updating process.

  6. Rahul

    I use a program called AppFresh. That’s pretty cool too. It searches for even apple updates (unnecessary though, cuz v’ve Software Update built in)

  7. Alex

    Neat little widget. Thanks for telling us about it.