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iPhone + Verizon = Hell on Earth

January 12th, 2010


We all know somebody that has and loves their iPhone. I mean, why wouldn’t they? The iPhone completely revolutionized the mobile phone industry. With its multitouch interface, fantastic app store, and sleek design, I’m a little jealous I don’t own one. I do have one issue with the phone, however, and it’s the certain smugness […]

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Hardware Mod: Upgrading my processor for a much needed speed improvement

December 29th, 2009


I hate to say it, but my Laptop just isn’t running like it once was. Everything seems so slow and takes forever to run. I tried a reinstall of OS X, but that didn’t seem to help. Things aren’t much better in Windows either (not that I would expect them to be). I’ve already upgraded […]

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Re: The Old Copycat Debate, Revived

November 19th, 2009


(Repost from, my personal website.) This is a response to an article in Win7 News, which you can read in its entirety here. The author, Deb Shinder, is a Windows/Microsoft fan. I am decidedly more in the Apple camp. In her article, Shinder talks about the popular perception that Microsoft copied aspects of OS […]

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AppDelete- Removing programs the right way

November 1st, 2009


Recently, you may have noticed the new AppDelete ad we put up. AppDelete 3.0 was just recently redesigned to be lighter and faster, yet remove even more crap than ever before. For those of you who are completely clueless as to what AppDelete it is, allow me to quote (the designer’s site). “AppDelete is an uninstaller […]

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Apple Regains Their Collective Sanity, Updates iTunes 9 With Option for Dark Background

October 31st, 2009


Awhile ago, I wrote a post about iTunes 9 and how Apple had completely uglified it. Now, Apple has released an update, 9.0.2, that resolves one of my complaints: the eye-shieldingly white Grid View background: Compare that to the new iTunes 9, with the option for a dark background: Now, doesn’t that look better, Apple? […]

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