Archive | May, 2010

My Dock (Part One)

May 24th, 2010


My dock is normally positioned on the left, since it’s more space-efficient there. I also use the 2D dock and not the pseudo-3D one. It’s just too glitzy for me. (Reflections! Everywhere!) Now here’s what’s in my dock: Finder — I prefer the spatial Finder, so I always hide the Finder’s toolbars (yet they somehow […]

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Seesmic For iPhone Now Available

May 21st, 2010


It’s only been a day since Twitter for iPhone was released, and Seesmic, everyone’s favorite raccoon-based Twitter client, now has its own app that went live today. When you first start Seesmic for iPhone, you get the dashboard, which has four boxes with little ‘+’ signs in them, called Spaces. Tapping on one of the […]

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