May 22nd, 2008


Saving On Gas Means Going Broke

With oil prices out of control and the cost at the pump reaching new highs every day, people are now moving to more fuel efficient gas/electric hybrid cars like the popular Toyota Prius to save money on hitting the daily commute. Some people are taking the savings even further by modifying their hybrid cars to […]

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May 16th, 2008


PC In My Pocket

I’ve been playing with my new phone for about a week now, the HTC PPC-6800. I’m in love. It’s smaller than the 6700 I had, jet black and spring-loaded with enough power to do things such as 802.11b/g wireless, stream every kind of media imaginable, and even act as an FTP or torrent server. Now […]

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April 30th, 2008


Selling My BlackBerry Pearl

Well, that didn’t take long! And it’s not that my BlackBerry doesn’t work great, don’t get me wrong — this is a solid platform trusted by hundreds of thousands Hollywood stars and Government officials alike. The only problem I have with it is that it works too well. Yeah, you heard me right. There’s nothing […]

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April 24th, 2008


Life With The BlackBerry Pearl 8130

I’ve had my new BlackBerry 8130 for about a week now and I must say, while there are some cons over pros on this little device, it’s really rock-solid and stable. Gone are the days of random freezes and crashes like Treo’s and PocketPC’s in the past. I was actually able to leave a wide […]

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April 14th, 2008


Jack Sparrow’s Cell Phone

So, last week I canned my Treo 700p and picked up a new BlackBerry 8130 (Pearl) off eBay for $250 and I must say, it works really well and will work even better when I upgrade it to OS 4.5. I’m still trying to rack my brain and remember the names of all the cool […]

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