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Hardware Mod: Upgrading your Wireless Card- Why

January 18th, 2010


There comes a time in every mans life when he realizes that his laptop just isn’t running as fast as it once was. He can reinstall the Operating System, but it’s still won’t feel as fast as he remembers. Previously, we covered why upgrading your processor is a wise decision. But once you’ve completed that […]

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Hardware Mod: Upgrading my processor for a much needed speed improvement

December 29th, 2009


I hate to say it, but my Laptop just isn’t running like it once was. Everything seems so slow and takes forever to run. I tried a reinstall of OS X, but that didn’t seem to help. Things aren’t much better in Windows either (not that I would expect them to be). I’ve already upgraded […]

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How to Remove a Dell Inspiron 1525 Keyboard

July 9th, 2009

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Since most of the people visiting this site are probably rocking an Inspiron 1525, I figured we should write some hardware-related stuff. Having OS X running on non-apple hardware means nothing if your hardware doesn’t work. One of my gripes with the 1525 is that the keyboard is prone to getting dirty; the keys almost […]

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Inspiron LCD Gone Bad

January 27th, 2009


Why did it have to happen to me? An issue I can’t resolve — broken hardware. I woke up this morning, opened my laptop and bam… heard a strange sizzling noise for about 2 seconds, then my screen went blank. “Strange,” I thought. I figured it had something to do with rouge permissions or Power […]

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