As the fifth update to Snow Leopard, 10.6.5 was released earlier today. 10.6.5 doesn’t really bring any noteworthy changes, though it’s wise to run the latest version of the OS. Apple also often requires the latest version to run certain software, so an upgrade should be performed for compatibility reasons.
Archive | November, 2010
Hardware Mod: Upgrading your Wireless Card- How To
November 7th, 2010
**This is Part 2 of the “Upgrading your Wireless Card” guide and is continued from part 1. Part 1 explains the benefits of upgrading your wireless card while part 2 is simply a How To.** This post was delayed by about 10 months due to forgetfulness and procrastination. My apologies for the delay, though I believe many […]
Assigning Screen Shots to the Prnt Scrn (Print Screen) Keyboard Key
November 6th, 2010

The Print Screen key, labeled Prnt Scrn on the Inspiron 1525 keyboard, is the universal key in Windows for taking screenshots. However, Mac OS X uses a much more arbitrary key-combination; the Keyboard shortcut is Command-Shift-3. Unbeknownst to many, OS X allows you to change many system shortcuts, including the shortcut for Screenshots. To change […]
Back To The Hack
November 5th, 2010
I am pleased to announce that after selling my Dell Inspiron 1525 for dirt cheap to my father-in-law, I am trading him a more powerful, “Windows-only” laptop to reclaim my HackBook — the exact laptop that started it all. I am very excited to dive back into Mac OS X and I will definitely need to upgrade […]
November 10th, 2010