February 4th, 2008


How To Cancel Your Cell Phone Contract

Aside from faking your own death or moving to Antarctica, there are few options for people wanting out of that lengthy cell phone contract unless you’re willing to pony up the cash for the $200 to $300 early termination fee written in lawyer-speak on the back of the phone contract you probably don’t remember signing. […]

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February 2nd, 2008

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My Phone Alarm Tone

I’ve realized over the years that on all these fancy and expensive mobile devices, the “alarm” tones are more of an annoying melody rather than just plain annoying. Easily incorporated into my dreams, I often find myself snoozing without hitting the “Snooze” button and sleeping straight through an army of repeat sessions with the common […]

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February 2nd, 2008


Microsoft Office 2008 For Mac

We waited 4 years for this shit? Well, it wouldn’t be the first time. If you remember back in 1994 when Office 4.2.1 was released, it took Microsoft another 3 1/2 years to roll out a decent version of Office ’98 for the Macintosh users. Here we are in the first month of the year […]

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February 1st, 2008


Do We Need Another Republican?

I know, I know. 246 more days till the United States presidential elections and there are fewer faces running than when I first stepped out of my own little world and tried to imagine this beautiful country without another Republican in office. I’m not really trying to pick sides on this statement but come on, […]

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January 28th, 2008


Strange eBay Offer

I’ve seen a lot of odd error messages from popular websites when something times out, goes offline, crashes, etc. but this is the first time I’ve seen an e-mail error message from one of the biggest sites of them all: eBay.com. It would appear SquareTrade wants to offer one of those amazing 5-year warranties and […]

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